402.476.0162 Jason@h2oboy.net


Since 1893, the NSIA has been a thriving, active organization that plays a major role in irrigation matters for the State of Nebraska. First and foremost, the NSIA supports educational conferences, workshops, and meetings for members. In addition, the Association works with groups whose interests support irrigation activities in Nebraska. Underlying these activities is an agenda that seeks to further explore the need for effective irrigation project management.

A cornerstone of the Association’s activities focuses on broadening the collective knowledge about water management and related natural resources.

To that end, the NSIA became the force behind the development of the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy in 2009. A year-long program, the Academy provides training in the technical aspects of water plus a leadership track using proven concepts of leadership principles.



“Welcome, New Members!”

The NSIA would like to welcome the following new members:

Beerline Canal Company
Bridgeport Irrigation District
Enterprise Irrigation District
Minatare Mutual Canal & Irrigation Company
Short Line Irrigation District

We look forward to working with our new members.

Check out the first issue of the Nebraska Irrigator Magazine, published by the Nebraska State Irrigation Association.  If you have any questions or comments about the publication please reach out to ScottS@h2oboy.net.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together.  Let us know if you’d like to see more issues!


Water Leaders Academy

Preparing NE Future Water Leaders


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